Igor Mladinović

Creative Director&Co-founder at Hearth and Co-Founder at La Štruk restaurant

Igor Mladinović graduated in mechanical engineering in Zagreb and from that moment on, he did everything not to work in the field. For over 20 years, he spent his time in advertising agencies, mostly as a Chief Creative Officer, winning the most important domestic and international advertising awards, including Cannes Lions, Clio, LIA, Eurobest, EuroEffie, GoldenDrum, Epica…

For the past ten years, he has been a co-owner of the most popular restaurant among tourists in Zagreb, La Štruk.

In the last five years, he decided to redirect his experience in marketing and advertising towards positive societal changes. With friends and colleagues, he founded Hearth, the first regional agency for socially responsible projects and campaigns.

He is a lecturer at the Algebra University and a guest lecturer and speaker at numerous conferences and universities.