Slaven Škrobot

Travel writer / travel bloger / adventurer / humanist

Slaven Škrobot is one of those persons who, by their story, optimism, determination, and persistence, leave a striking and unforgettable impression. Someone who is at the very least entirely inspiring.

His “new life,” as he likes to call it, began the day he jumped into the sea and while avoiding a friend from injury, suffered a trauma, broke his neck, ended up in a wheelchair, and became a tetraplegic.

Slaven suffered and endured a long period of severe health conditions following the accident, and fought a wide spectrum of diagnoses. But his strong spirit, faith, and unshakeable character pierced him through all battles and stages of life.

Leaving no room for giving up, Slaven decided on something entirely natural for his phenomenal character: to use every opportunity that this new life gives him and in accordance with his wishes, travel the world as much as possible.

He is first person in the world who climbed with a wheelchair to the Monastery, a temple on top of the mountain of the ancient city of Petra in Jordan, as well as on top of the Pidurangala rock in Sri Lanka, while Morocco, Tanzania, the United Arab Emirates, Berlin, Madrid, and Australia are just a few of the more than thirty places he has traveled with his soul and body, entirely.

His ambition is to travel as much as possible in order to encourage people (particularly those in similar circumstances) to never give up and to truly fulfill their dreams because his example demonstrates how beautiful life can be after a horrible accident. Furthermore, his example informs the general population about life with disabilities and brings the subject closer to people.

With the sense of freedom, the desire to push the boundaries, and the road to a fearless realization of his adventurous goals, Slaven inspires new experiences, which are supported by his honest travelogues. Every person who reads even a single paragraph from his bold life stays inspired.

Slaven is a person who truly enriches the outlook on life.