Behind every great wine, every craft beer, each artisanal spirit, and natural, high-quality product stands a great idea and years of hard work. But often, artisanal expertise and exceptional results aren’t enough to give these great products the visibility they deserve. This is where the Grape Group comes in, offering technological solutions and online platforms dedicated to the presentation and distribution of high-quality products. Dario is a digital marketing strategist with more than 18 years of experience. He established and led a digital marketing department in Unex Group, one of the largest marketing agencies in Croatia at the time. Simultaneously with Unex, Dario started the first wine bar in Zagreb, Wine Bar Basement, where he entered the wine business. After Unex, Dario worked on digital transformation projects at Bruketa & Žinić & Gray and Addiko bank. Left the corporate world to dedicate himself to his own projects. Wine&more is the result of Dario’s passion for wine, everything wine-related, digital transformation, and digital marketing expertise. With this project, the key goal is to change the way people experience and buy wine.