Ante is an entrepreneur and consultant who returned to Croatia after obtaining substantial professional and academic experience abroad. He first graduated from an international high school in Damascus, Syria, after which he lived in Germany, where he obtained his Bachelor’s degree in International Politics and History from Jacobs University Bremen, and later a Master in Law and Business from Bucerius Law School and WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management in Hamburg and Vallendar, respectively. He published several scientific papers on international relations, security, and counterterrorism. Since 2013 Ante has been leadingĀ A-Link, a career and education consultancy, helping many individuals plan their careers and enroll in study programs abroad, and on the other hand advising schools and universities on marketing, mobility, career centers, and matters pertaining to academic competitiveness as well as the future of work and education. Ante is a co-author of “UP – Ucenici poduzetnici”, a practical entrepreneurship program for pupils, and a founder of – a platform which c(r)onnects Croatian start-ups with potential investors from the Croatian Diaspora. Lastly, Ante is also a co-founder of, an online portal specialized in education and career development. He currently lives in Zagreb, Croatia, and when he does not empower individuals and/or organizations, he plays in a funk/rock band, takes photos, does research, and enjoys playing with his 1-year old son.