Ante Lučić

Entrepreneur and Consultant

Ante is a serial entrepreneur, consultant, and a proud returnee to Croatia. His latest entrepreneurial project has been partnering with a group of whizz-kids to develop a unique agricultural investment platform THE WALNUT FUND (TWF) – the world’s first online agriculture investment platform that allows clients to invest in fully managed walnut plantations, where all profits are split equally between investors and TWF over the entire lifespan of the planted trees. Besides helping people create passive income streams in highly uncertain times by generating 30% ROI annually, TWF is also about forestation and reducing CO2 footprint.

Apart from TWF, Ante’s numerous projects and core competencies include Strategic Human Resources, Education, and Career Development. He created exANTE – a unique methodology for talent-centric organizational diagnostics and human capital evaluation; as well as BENO – an entrepreneurship program for pupils and high school students. Ante often lectures on HR, Career Development, and Entrepreneurship, and spends a lot of time mentoring startups and helping them achieve investment readiness. He currently lives in Zagreb, Croatia, and when he does not empower individuals and organizations, he plays in a world groove fusion band, goes on kayaking adventures, and enjoys spending time with his family.