Fabijan Popović

Public Policy Manager, Adria @ Bolt

Ben Franklin once said nothing is certain in this world except death and taxes. Apparently, good ol’ Ben forgot about regulation. At Bolt, Fabijan handles all things regulatory for the Adria region, working closely with regulators and policymakers. Responsible companies understand the need for a healthy relationship with policymakers in order to adopt efficient and informed policies. As an all-in-one mobility app, Bolt is heavily involved in shaping and transforming the future of how we move around town.

Fabijan has 5+ years of experience in regulatory and public affairs, having worked for a business association and a consultancy before joining Bolt. He graduated from the Faculty of Political Science in Zagreb and further specialized at the London School of Public Relations.

He is also active in the NGO sector as member of the management board at the Croatian Lobbyist Association.